Nigerian Bar Association Ikeja Branch Announces Guidelines and Schedule for 2024 Elections: Calls for Active Participation and Support


As the Nigerian Bar Association Ikeja Branch, we’re excited to announce the forthcoming 2024 elections and our comprehensive plan to ensure a fair and credible electoral process. Since our Committee’s inception on March 27, 2024, we’ve diligently crafted and disseminated guidelines for the elections, highlighting key dates such as June 28, 2024, for the actual voting. Qualified candidates are encouraged to submit their nominations as submission closes by 4:00pm on April 18, 2024, with interviews scheduled between April 22 and 24, 2024.

Provisional and final lists of candidates will be published on April 25 and May 10, 2024, respectively. We urge our esteemed members, including Learned Silks, Senior Lawyers, and all associates, to familiarize themselves with these guidelines and actively participate in shaping the future of our Branch by casting their votes on June 28, 2024. Let’s make this election a testament to our commitment to democracy and justice within the legal profession.

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